Embodied Carbon
Designing for energy efficiency to reduce emissions is standard green building practice, but the underlying carbon emitted in extracting, manufacturing and transporting building materials is still commonly ignored. Expanding the scope of urban green building concerns to embodied carbon can be daunting for local governments, but one way to make it more feasible is to integrate it with well-established policy pathways in waste, equity and preservation. This approach also taps into long-standing commitments from a broad suite of interest groups, helping to galvanize momentum for what appears on its surface to be a purely technical concern.
Making embodied carbon mainstream: a framework for cities to leverage waste, equity, and preservation policy to reduce embodied emissions in buildings. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences (2023), 1-15
Making Embodied Carbon Mainstream: a guide for local and regional governments to reduce embodied carbon in the built environment, May 2021
Organizer and Moderator, Beyond Borders: Tackling embodied emissions through local climate action, Oct 2019
Hannah Teicher: A Canada-wide deconstruction industry should be part of our ‘build back better’ recovery, Vancouver Sun, January 2021
EGBC Webinar, Oct 2021
CLF Vancouver, Sept 2021
Circular Design in the Built Environment, Carbon Leadership Forum Vancouver
NZWC, April 2021
Building Reuse as Waste Prevention, presentation for National Zero Waste Council webinar, The Waste Prevention Opportunity for Canada